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Explore The Must-Visit Gems of Penang

Explore The Must-Visit Gems of Penang

Penang is a beautiful island located in the northwest of Malaysia, known for its street art, historic buildings, and delicious street food. It is a popular tourist destination, and for good reason. If you have not explored this charming island before, we are here to help plan some of your must go-to places!


Georgetown is the historic heart of Penang, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is famous for its well-preserved colonial buildings, temples, mosques, and churches. You can explore the streets of Georgetown on foot, and discover the many hidden gems that this city has to offer, such as the famous street art, Clan Jetties, and the iconic Kapitan Keling Mosque.

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/kyW7QUS9E1pn6vWv6


Penang Hill

Penang Hill is a must-visit destination in Penang, offering breathtaking panoramic views of the island. You can take a funicular train to the top of the hill, where you can enjoy cooler temperatures and stunning scenery. You can also visit the Owl Museum, the Monkey Cup Garden, and the Canopy Walk.

If this is in your itinerary, here are the details for both the funicular service and ticketing counter:-

Address: https://goo.gl/maps/ZDocJifrfzof3MgE9

Penang Hill Ticket
Penang Hill

Batu Ferringhi

Batu Ferringhi is a popular beach destination in Penang, known for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. It is perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. You can also take a stroll along the Batu Ferringhi Night Market, where you can find souvenirs, handicrafts, and delicious street food.

Operating hours: 9 AM – 11:30 PM (Daily)
Address: 10 A 11100 Batu Ferringhi Penang
Batu Ferringhi
Penang is a beautiful island with so much to offer. Whether you are interested in history, culture, or just relaxing on the beach, Penang has something for everyone. Georgetown, Batu Ferringhi, and Penang Hill are just a few of the many destinations that you can explore on this charming island.
You can easily visit these attractions without the hassle of public transportation or driving. With V6 Transport services and our knowledgeable drivers, you can easily just pack your bags and get ready to experience the magic of Penang!



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