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Hiking Spots in Malaysia : 7 Exciting Trails

Hiking Spots in Malaysia : 7 Exciting Trails

Hiking spots are available in abundance in Peninsular Malaysia. There are many states that have one to many hiking trails, catered to many of different levels of experiences and abilities. Here are 7 must experience trails when visiting Malaysia for a hiking expedition.


Hiking Spots 1: Cameron Highlands

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Image Credit: Wikipedia

Hiking in Cameron Highlands is a captivating experience, offering a blend of lush greenery, cool climate, and breathtaking vistas. The highlands, located in the state of Pahang, Malaysia, are renowned for their extensive network of trails that cater to hikers of all levels. From leisurely walks through tea plantations to challenging treks up mountain slopes, Cameron Highlands has something for everyone.

One of the most popular trails is the Mossy Forest trail, which takes you through a mystical forest blanketed in moss and fog, creating an enchanting atmosphere. The trail is relatively easy and offers stunning views of the surrounding valleys and mountains. For more experienced hikers, the trek up Mount Brinchang provides a challenging adventure with rewarding panoramic views from the summit.

Apart from the natural beauty, hiking in Cameron Highlands also offers glimpses into the region’s rich flora and fauna. The trails are lined with a variety of plant species, including the famous tea bushes that cover the rolling hills. Birdwatchers will delight in the opportunity to spot various bird species, adding to the charm of hiking in this picturesque region.


Hiking Spots 2: Taman Negara

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Image Credit: Business Today

Hiking in Taman Negara is an immersive journey into one of the world’s oldest rainforests, offering a unique blend of adventure and natural beauty. As Malaysia’s premier national park, Taman Negara boasts a vast network of trails that cater to hikers of all levels, from leisurely strolls to challenging treks. The park is home to an incredible diversity of flora and fauna, including rare species such as the Malayan tiger and Asian elephant, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts.

One of the most popular trails is the Canopy Walkway, which takes you high above the forest floor for a bird’s-eye view of the rainforest. The walkway offers a unique perspective on the forest canopy and is a must-visit for anyone hiking in Taman Negara. For those seeking a more challenging trek, the trail to the summit of Gunung Tahan, the highest peak in Peninsular Malaysia, provides a thrilling adventure with breathtaking views from the top.

Hiking in Taman Negara is not just about the destination but also about the journey, as the trails wind through ancient trees, crystal-clear streams, and cascading waterfalls. The sounds of the forest, from the chirping of birds to the rustling of leaves, create a symphony of nature that is both soothing and invigorating.


Hiking Spots 3: Penang National Park

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Image Credit: Capture the Atlas

Hiking in Penang National Park offers a unique and diverse experience, combining lush tropical rainforests with stunning coastal scenery. The park, located on the northwest corner of Penang Island, is Malaysia’s smallest national park but is packed with a variety of hiking trails that cater to all levels of hikers. One of the most popular trails is the Canopy Walkway, which takes you through the treetops for a bird’s-eye view of the forest and its inhabitants.

For those looking for a coastal adventure, the park offers trails that lead to secluded beaches with crystal-clear waters, perfect for a refreshing swim after a hike. The park is also home to a variety of wildlife, including macaques, monitor lizards, and a wide range of bird species, adding to the excitement of hiking in this picturesque setting.

One of the highlights of hiking in Penang National Park is the diversity of flora and fauna you’ll encounter along the way. From towering trees to vibrant flowers, the park is a botanical paradise waiting to be explored. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just looking for a leisurely stroll, Penang National Park offers a hiking experience like no other.


Hiking Spots 4: Gunung Pulai

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Image Credit: Jabatan Perhutanan Negeri Johor

Hiking in Gunung Pulai offers a serene escape into nature, just a short distance from Johor Bahru city. As part of the Gunung Pulai Recreational Forest, this hiking spot features lush tropical rainforests, diverse wildlife, and stunning panoramic views. The main trail, known as the Gunung Pulai Summit Trail, is a moderately challenging hike that takes you through dense forests, across streams, and up to the summit of Gunung Pulai, standing at about 654 meters above sea level.

Along the way, hikers are treated to the sights and sounds of the forest, with the opportunity to spot various bird species and perhaps even some wildlife. The summit offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside, making it a rewarding destination for nature lovers and photographers alike. The cool mountain air and peaceful surroundings make Gunung Pulai a popular destination for those looking to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.


Hiking Spots 5: Fraser’s Hill

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Image Credit: Fraser’s Hill

Hiking in Fraser’s Hill offers a peaceful retreat into the cool, refreshing highlands of Malaysia. This hill station, located in the state of Pahang, is known for its colonial charm, lush forests, and diverse wildlife. The area boasts a network of well-maintained trails that cater to hikers of all levels, from leisurely strolls to challenging treks.

One of the popular trails is the Pine Tree Trail, which meanders through a serene forest of towering pine trees, offering glimpses of colourful bird species and other wildlife. For a more challenging hike, the Hemmant Trail leads to the summit of Bukit Fraser, the highest point in the area, rewarding hikers with panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

Apart from hiking, Fraser’s Hill offers a range of other activities, including birdwatching, golfing, and exploring the town’s quaint shops and colonial buildings. Whether you’re seeking adventure or relaxation, Fraser’s Hill is a perfect destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike.


Hiking Spots 6: Gunung Stong State Park

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Image Credit: twobirdsbreakingfree

Gunung Stong State Park, located in Kelantan, Malaysia, is a nature lover’s paradise, offering a diverse range of outdoor activities and breathtaking natural scenery. The park is home to Gunung Stong, the second-highest peak in Peninsular Malaysia, standing at approximately 1,422 meters above sea level. Hiking to the summit is a challenging but rewarding experience, with stunning panoramic views of the surrounding rainforest and the seven-tiered Jelawang Waterfall, one of the tallest waterfalls in Southeast Asia.

The park features several hiking trails that cater to different skill levels, allowing visitors to explore the lush rainforest and discover its rich biodiversity. Along the way, hikers may encounter a variety of wildlife, including monkeys, birds, and even rare species such as the Malayan tiger and Asian elephant.

In addition to hiking, Gunung Stong State Park offers opportunities for camping, jungle trekking, and rock climbing, making it a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. The park’s natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere make it an ideal getaway for those looking to reconnect with nature and escape the hustle and bustle of city life.


Hiking Spots 7: Gunung Tahan

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Image Credit: Penang Insider

Hiking in Gunung Tahan, located in Taman Negara National Park, offers a challenging and rewarding adventure for those seeking to conquer Peninsular Malaysia’s highest peak. Standing at approximately 2,187 meters above sea level, Gunung Tahan is renowned for its rugged terrain, dense rainforest, and stunning views from the summit. The trek to the summit typically takes several days and requires a good level of fitness and stamina.

The trail to Gunung Tahan is known for its diversity, taking hikers through a range of landscapes, from dense jungles to rocky slopes. Along the way, hikers may encounter a variety of wildlife, including monkeys, deer, and exotic birds. The journey also includes river crossings and steep ascents, adding to the challenge and excitement of the hike.

Reaching the summit of Gunung Tahan is a rewarding experience, with panoramic views of the surrounding rainforest stretching as far as the eye can see. The sense of achievement and the breathtaking beauty of the natural surroundings make hiking in Gunung Tahan a truly unforgettable adventure.


In conclusion, there are various breathtaking hiking spots throughout Peninsular Malaysia. Based on your experience and interest, you can choose to visit any of the mentioned locations above during your hiking expedition with your family and friends. For those looking to spend a relaxing and hassle free time during hiking expeditions, consider booking a private car or MPV for your journey. You will be able to fully relax and enjoy your moments with your loved ones without worrying about travelling from one location to another.



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