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5 Top Kluang Attractions To Visit For A Relaxing Trip

5 Top Kluang Attractions To Visit For A Relaxing Trip

Johor is not all about traveling to JB. Another town you can consider visiting is Kluang. Kluang is a charming town tucked away in the southern part of Malaysia. Traveling from Singapore to Kluang takes around two hours, and plenty of Kluang attractions are waiting for you to discover.

Kluang used to be served as the administrative capital of Johor in the past. Nearly all the main railway line will pass through Kluang, showing fast development. Transportation wasn’t as convenient in the past, and the railway used to be the only way to reach the town.

Kluang may not be the most popular tourist spot to visit, but definitely worth the time to visit, especially when you are looking to escape from your busy daily life during the weekend. In this guide, we will take you through the top Kluang attractions that you should definitely add to your travel itinerary the next time you want to travel to Malaysia from Singapore.

Top Kluang Attractions #1 - Gunung Lambak

kluang attractions

If you love hiking in the mountain, you are familiar with Gunung Lambak. Gunung Lambak stands as an inviting mountain that has captured the hearts of locals and travelers. It is definitely a haven for adventure seekers and those looking to connect with nature.

Hiking up Gunung Lambak is an exhilarating adventure that offers a range of experiences for both beginners and seasoned hikers. The hike typically takes a few hours, depending on the trail that you take. The shortest one takes roughly around 1-2 hours to complete. While the steepest trail may take about 5-6 hours to reach the peak.

Some trails may be difficult for beginners, so choose according to your ability. If you are looking for an adventurous trip, hiking at Gunung Lambak is a good choice. Ensure you are well prepared for it. Be mindful of weather conditions and avoid hiking during or after rain, as the road can be very slippery.

Top Kluang Attractions #2 - Gunung Belumut

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Image Credit: Gunung Bagging

Rising to an impressive height of 1,010 meters, Gunung Belumut is another hot spot for hikers. There are plenty of secrets for you to explore and uncover. It is renowned for its pristine rainforests and stunning biodiversity.

The trail at Gunung Belumut can be strenuous. Hiking up is a journey of both physical challenge and natural discovery. The trails wind through dense foliage, offering a sense of immersion in the wilderness. It can be challenging, but the rewards are plentiful for those who persevere. It takes about 6-7 hours for an average hiker to go up and down, so ensure you have enough energy.

Reaching the summit of Gunung Belumut is a momentous achievement that grants you a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. Whether you are a seasoned hiker seeking a challenge or a nature lover yearning for tranquility, it is definitely worth hiking. But a permit and guides are needed to climb Gunung Belumut, so be sure to check it out.

Top Kluang Attractions #3 - Kahang Organic Rice Farm (KOREF)

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Kahang Organic Rice Farm (KOREF) is a shining example of sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly practices. If you are curious about the journey from paddy to plate and want to connect with nature’s bounty, KOREF is the perfect destination.

You will be in a village atmosphere as you step into KOREF. Besides the paddy fields, you will see fish ponds, fruit farms, and even lively animals roaming all over the village. You would experience something that you won’t be experiencing in Singapore.

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You will have the chance to immerse yourself in the world of farming. If it happens to be the rice harvesting session during your visit, why not experience how paddy harvesting works? Get the experience of how our farmers work hard to serve the rice you have been eating for years. You can even experience a rice seedling transplant and winnow if it happens to be the session. You get to understand better the intricate processes that contribute to rice production.

They provide accommodation but don’t expect it to be luxurious. You will be staying in a floating chalet built of redwood. Getting close to nature and enjoying the peaceful village lifestyle will be a good experience.

Top Kluang Attractions #4 - Kluang Mall

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Image Credit: Wikitpedia

If you are looking for some shopping therapy, Kluang Mall is the perfect place to go. With its diverse range of shops, entertainment options, and dining experience, Kluang Mall offers visitors of all ages an all-encompassing have.

Kluang Mall’s central location makes it easily accessible to both locals and travelers. From fashion and accessories to electronics and home goods, a wide range of local and international brands are waiting for you to explore. Indulge yourself in retail therapy that suits your taste and style.

After a long day of activities or shopping, indulge yourself in a proper meal. Kluang Mall houses a variety of dining establishments, from trendy cafes to family-friendly restaurants; there are many options for you to choose from to satisfy your taste buds.

Top Kluang Attractions #5 - Kluang Coffee Powder Factory

kluang attractions

With a legacy spanning decades, Kluang Coffee Powder Factory offers a captivating journey into coffee production. If you are a coffee lover or simply curious about the production behind each cup, the Kluang Coffee Powder Factory is a must-visit attraction.

With a history that dates back to its establishment in the 1960s, the Kluang Coffee Powder Factory holds a special place in the hearts of locals and tourists. The factory’s commitment to quality and authenticity has allowed it to thrive and become a beloved symbol of Kluang’s coffee heritage.

You get to tour the Kluang Coffee Powder Factory, where you witness coffee production firsthand. Learn about the various coffee bean varieties, explore the roasting facilities, and gain insight into creating the perfect cup of coffee. Visiting the factory can be an unforgettable journey if you want to immerse yourself in Kluang’s coffee heritage.

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